05 July 2010


It seems fitting that my first post reflect where I am coming from... Above is a picture I took with what is commonly referred to as a "point and shoot" camera. It is before I learned anything about the more technical aspect of photography, or used a "fancy" camera. But this picture is so much more than that... 

It is the first thing I ever drove. I was 3 years old and sitting on my Grandpa's lap as though I was a princess on a throne! You see, my Grandfather helped raise me, and as I'm sure you've heard of the term "Daddy's girl," well I am "Grandpa's girl" through and through. It's true. I played with my imagination, not computers. I drank root beer out of mason jars and ate watermelon on the porch in the summer. My Grandpa and I would eat rhubarb out of Grandma's garden and we'd be scolded because we didn't leave her enough for pies and jam. I'd drink water out of the garden hose and help my Grandmother hang the laundry out on the clothes line. 

This was just a sliver out of my childhood however and I am more than that little girl that lived in the country with her Grandparents. What this picture does is capture the essence of those days and bring back all of those memories. That is why I became the shutterbug I am today! It is my passion to capture moments that bring back the emotions, the memories, the love in one's life. I am Jenna Danelle Williams, and I am a photographer!

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