I heard the following quote today from the Director of the UK division of GraphiStudio and it struck my heart. I related to it deeply within my own life experiences and it is for that reason that I share it with all of you...
"In today's age when so many people have images that are just going to disappear onto hard drives never to be seen, this could be the century of forgotten images. And it's only through a physical representation of those in a book, that people in a 100 - 150 years time are going to see something beautiful. And that's what...we're trying to make sure that people remember." ~ Jeremy Price
I have been going through the boxes upon boxes of photographs that I have from my life, and I keep telling myself every year I will organize them and place them in some sort of book... I never have and it's a shame. As I watch those I love fade, a photograph is all I have. And what of the pictures from their lives that I wouldn't know anything about without them here to tell the story? It becomes this lost image and it's so very saddening to me because each image is so very precious. No more though - I am working on a very long and tedious project of my own book of photographs! And it is my goal to make sure those I capture images for will not loose them on a hard drive never to be seen or cherished by their great grandchildren!
I am inspired by GraphiStudio to work harder at my profession on a daily basis to be the best photographer I can be. Why? Because they make such beautiful wedding books that I literally have dreams of photographs I want to take but haven't yet just so they can be displayed in them! I know this may sound odd, but it isn't a promotion for the company - it's a promotion for finding inspiration in everything around us to do what we dream of! I have always had a deep love for books, culture and the olde world, and the visual arts. It makes sense to me to record moments in time as elegantly as possible for future generations to see and share.
I aspire to become better with every photograph I take. If I didn't, I'd never try anything new, never reach new heights, learn new techniques. But my whole life I've known that you learn something new every moment you take a breath only if you are open to the idea of learning... You grow the same way, become ever improved, and with that you inspire others and pass along something worth while into the world. There are no limits to what we can do, share, give, learn, become, if we just pursue our goals with passion every single day! That is what it is to be a passionate person, and I am a photographer of passionate people!
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